Wednesday, December 29, 2010

began BCA res today!

making a schedule... waiting on packages...designing huge light table.
Although it really just seemed like I walked through snowy streets, spent money, and schlepped stuff till my shoulders throbbed. Then, yoga.

About the BCA Artist Residency Program

This non-traditional, ten-week residency program provides a unique support system for individual artists, including funding, studio assistance, and the opportunity to experiment and share one’s practice with an audience through three individually designed workshops. This residency seeks to help artists explore audience engagement outside of typical art education models. The residency may be especially appealing for artists who are interested in public programs but who have limited experience with them, or would like to take their current practice in a new, more public direction. Click here for the2010-11 Artist Residency program and workshop schedule.


Christy Georg
Christy has been called "a sculptor of wit and ingenuity, clearly in the tradition of Jean Tinguely and Bruce Nauman, but brilliantly original in her use of existential humor to invigorate the works" by fellow sculptor Rob Fisher. Her work is often created for use in a specific location or inspired by a particular historic account. During her time at the BCA, she will be working on a large map of the Boston Harbor and its evolution from 1776. She will be using a relatively new technique to make her drawings by creating new images from existing images found on the Internet and in books.

Georg's public workshops will take place in January/February 2011. In one workshop, she will introduce participants to the sailor's art of marlinespike seamanship, a technique she re-interprets in her contemporary sculpture. In her last two workshops, Georg will explore how people from Boston relate to the Boston Harbor as part of her research for a large map of the Boston Harbor.

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