Cross Currents: Visual Arts Distilled from the Maritime World opened to the public on Saturday, Nov. 20.
Just as history is a compilation of complex interwoven elements, Cross Currents will explore how maritime life has been diversely captured in four disciplines in the visual arts - by Carroll Thayer Berry, through printmaking; by Loretta Krupinski, through painting; by Claudio Cambon, through photography; and by Christy Georg, through sculpture.
Carroll Thayer Berry (1886-1978) is one of Maine's best known printmakers. Although the schooners and shores of the Maine coast are Berry's most-recalled inspiration, he was also drawn to the industrial shipyard scene, documenting naval ships at Bath Iron Works as well as the dramatic pouring of the lead keel for the America's Cup defender, Ranger, in 1936.
South Thomaston resident Loretta Krupinski paints outward from historical photography to regain the emotional context and colors of particular moments along the working waterfronts of coastal Maine communities, both living and forgotten.
Claudio Cambon has been a documentary photographer for more than 20 years, recording captivating moments of life and culture around the world, including Maine, through his camera lenses. His work has been exhibited, published and collected internationally.
The unique installations by Christy Georg move otherwise staid maritime objects, techniques, and material - knot work, tattoos, scrimshaw, horns, signals, lanterns - into startling, humorous, and ironic frames of reference. Her work is a provocative reminder of the swirling undertow overlooked by a strictly historical cataloging.
Cross Currents will be on view at Maine Maritime Museum in Bath through Sunday, February 6, 2011.
info on the lecture